New Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Society (IJSSoc)


The impacts of society touch everyone’s life. These impacts may be considerable, even critical. Societal problems, especially those which remain unchecked and unmanaged, can weaken, threaten, or even eventually destroy, our society. Production produces pollution; medication generates side-effects; pesticide causes poisoning; innovation can lead to unemployment… IJSSoc deals not only with the question of whether modern society should be sustainable, but also the ways in which this could and should come about.

IJSSoc bases its vision on eight "balances" as follows:

  • a balance between economic development and environmental protection
  • a balance between real aggregate demand and aggregate supply
  • a balance between human beings and nature
  • a balance between consumption and preservation
  • a balance between material and spiritual pleasures
  • a balance between civil liberty and self-restraint
  • a balance between hedonism and practicality
  • a balance between science and society

Go Top Editor in Chief

John Wang
Professor of Information & Decision Sciences
Montclair State University
Department of Management and Information Systems
Montclair, NJ 07043


Editoral board members from SPSD




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