IRSPSD Editorial Lecture Series, Dec 23 2022
IRSPSD Editorial Lecture Series |
Title |
Get to Know IRSPSD International |
Analysing Trend in Urban Study Field Through Academic Journals |
Lecturer |
Puteri Fitriaty |
Jean Wang |
Date |
December 23 |
December 23 |
Time |
14:30-15:30 (JST) |
15:40-16:40 (JST) |
Link |
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Lecture Preview: Analysing Trend in Urban Study Field Through Academic Journals
Synopsis: Extracting hotspots and developing trend have always been the major topics of academic fileds. Academic journals publish latest research works of a field, so the clues behind the journal articles are often discovered by scholars to explore research tendency. Getting to know the highly concerned topics in a field can not only be a perfect guidance of one’s research work, it can also help to produce articles that are more likely to be accepted and cited.
From the aspect of an editor of international academic journal in the urban study field, the submitted articles contain the information about regions, topics, techniques and theories, help the editor to make quick decision about an appropriate article. In this lecture, papers of high quality and citation index from International Review for Spatial Design and Sustainable Development will be introduced, to see what it is like to be a good research paper. Data from editorial process will be shared to illustrate the trend and interesting phenomena from the submissions. Analyses of peer journals in the urban study field will also be shown at the lecture, to give a more comprehensive look from the publication point.
This lecture should be beneficial for doctor or master candidates who would like to publish articles in international journals of urban studies and spatial planning. For researchers who have the need to further explore the urban study field, this lecture can provide a different aspect to look into this field.
Lecturer: Jingjing Wang,
Editor of International Review for Spatial Design and Sustainable Development.
Time: December 23, 2022, 15:40-16:40 (JST)

Lecture Preview: Get to Know IRSPSD International
Synopsis: Before conductinga research, the step we never escape is literature review. A literature reviewcan sharpen the research by understanding the relevantstudies development and debates that isrecently discussed, hence we can easily extracted the research gaps and conflicts in previous study that left an open question for another research opportunity. By this we can establish the contribution of our works which is never been done before.This literature review works is surely can bereported as a literature review manuscript and submitted to international reputable journal. However, the qualities and quantities of literature review manuscript can be differ in standard in the view of authors and editors.Thus this lecture will provide an editor view on how the literature review manuscript can meet the standard of an international reputable journal. The lecture will be deliver by the editor of an international reputable journal who will share her experience about writing and submitting a literature review manuscript to help researchers or students to avoid a major slip-upbefore publication. In the perspective of an editor, an outstanding manuscript tend to have some qualities that meetcertains standard, therefore some guidance will be given to improve an article before submitting it to an international reputable journal.
This lecture will be beneficial for the researchers andthe doctor or master candidates who would like to publish their paper in the international journals.
Lecturer: Puteri Fitriaty,
Senior Lecturer in TadulakoUniversity,
Ascociate Editor
International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development,
Reviewer for several international journal.
Time: December 23, 2022, 14:30-15:30 (JST)