Call for paper
International Conference 2013 on Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, 30 Aug. - 1 Sept., 2013, Beijing
The conference will have sessions of both oral and poster presentation. In particular, papers appropriate to the following interdisciplinary topics are welcome, but not limited to:
- Design Studies for Sustainable Development;
- Planning Approaches for Sustainable Development;
- Indicators of Sustainable Development;
- Planning Support System and Urban Sustainability Modelling.
Important Dates:
- Deadline for abstract (no more than 800 words):15th April, 2013
- Notification for the acceptance of abstract:30th May, 2013
- Deadline for full paper:15th July, 2013
Paper submission:
Please use the on-line submission system of SPSD2013
Author Guidelines
SPSD 2013 paper submission and review process is conducted in the following manner:
SPSD 2013 requires authors to submit the title, list of authors, a brief abstract (about 800 words), and a list of 3-6 keywords for each paper before the abstracts submission deadline. Authors can update the above information when submitting the full-length paper.
The length of each paper should not be longer than 18 pages following the format given in the paper template.
Submission of the paper abstract and the full-length paper must be done electronically.
Paper submissions will be reviewed by experts in their respective research fields selected by the conference committee.
SPSD 2013 Organization Committee
15th November, 2012