International Conference 2019 on Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development Aug. 30 - Sept. 1, 2019, Chiba University, Japan
Keynote Speakers

Prof. Toru MITANI
Chiba University
Toru Mitani is a landscape architect, who designs various open spaces both in urban and natural area. Educated in Master of Landscape Architecture at Graduate School of Design, Harvard University, and given Ph.D in Architecture at Tokyo University. Several design awards were offered for his design, 1998 Design Award of Japan Institute of Landscape Architecture, 2003 Good Design Award, and etc.

Prof. Feng ZHEN
Nanjing University
Feng Zhen is a professor and the deputy dean of School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Nanjing University. His research focuses on the applications of urban big data for developing smart and livable cities and the mechanisms of how ICTs impact the social and spatial dimensions of urban spaces. His research provided guidance on planning, development and evaluation of smart cities and livable cities in Chinese cities.

Prof. Kyung-Jin Zoh,
Seoul National University
Kyung Jin Zoh is a professor of landscape architecture at Seoul National University. He is a chief advisor of Parks and Green Space in Seoul Metropolitan Government. He is in charge of planning and design of Seoul Botanical Park to be open in 2018. Currently. he is the representative of Civic Forum for Yongsan Park

Prof. Brian PAI
Chengchi University

Prof. Anrong DANG
Tsinghua University
Anrong Dang is a professor of urban planning at School of Architecture, Tsinghua University. He was first trained as a geographer and now a specialist in GIS applications in urban planning. He obtained his Ph.D. in Cartography and GIS from Chinese Academy of Science in 1997. He published more than 100 papers and five textbooks. In recent years, he has paid more attention to smart city planning based on big data.