International Conference 2021 on Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, Nov 25-27, 2021 Manchester Metropolitan University

Reader. James CHENG
Manchester Metropolitan University
Chair of Manchester Venue
Manchester Venue Theme:
Computational Healthy Street
25-27 November, 2021, Manchester Metropolitan University
(hybrid of on-site and virtual presentations)
Healthy City, which is tightly linked with UN SDGs, has become a new research agenda in many disciplines such as planning, architecture, geography, environment, sociology, psychology, GIS, and even engineering.
As a public space, urban streets are characterised by high concentration of various (environmental) health risks, to which citizens and visitors are frequently exposed due to daily mobility and socio-economic activities. As such, the design and governance of healthy street should be incorporated into the whole system of human centred planning.
This conference theme aims to critically explore the inter-dependent multi-disciplinary approaches, which contribute to original understanding of the complicated (including positive and negative) impacts of street environment (physical, built and socio-economic) on public health and well-being. The theme particuallry welcomes innovative urban analytical methods in collecting data, analysing health and well-being impacts and modelling spatio-temporal interactions between human and environments, through using AI, Big data, mobile APP, wearable devices, 3D GIS, mixed Virtual Reality, eye tracking, video analytics and experimental studies from psychology. The topics include, but are not limited to, pollution, heat/cold wave, greenspace, crime, streetscape (e.g. smell, sound, colour, light and advertisement), living structure and walking pattern.
Please access call for papers for submission information.
Keynote Speaker:
Dr Tim Jung, Director of Augmented and Virtual Reality Hub, Manchester Metropolitan University
Dr Zhiqiang Feng, School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh.
Kyenote speakers from sub venue will deliver their talk in Manchester Metropolitan University.
Sub Manchester venue of SPSD2021 will cooperate main Nanjing venue for online presentation.