International Conference 2025 on Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, Aug. 7-9, 2025 Hankyong National University, South Korea.

Online Submission system for conference Proceedings

Please submit your abstracts and full papers to Smartchair system  



Dr. Baysok Jun,

Researcher at Environmental Planning Institute, Seoul National University

Deadline for paper submission.

         Abstract submission deadline:     2025-03-28 

         Paper submission deadline:         2025-05-16

         Abstract/paper revision deadline:  2025-07-11 

Topics. Sustainable Tomorrow, Sustainable Together


Active Design 

Community Design

Creative City

Cultural Landscape

Digital urban governance

Ecological civilization and sustainable development

Environmental and Spatial Policy and planning

Green Open Space Planning

Green Infrastructure planning

Healing Landscape

Health effects of multidimensional spatiotemporal environmental exposure

Historical Preservation

Inclusive Design

Planning Support System

Public safety and urban resilience

Smart and sustainable communities

Smart societies and urban service infrastructure

Smart sustainable transportation and mobility

Smart Technology 

Social Diversity / Governance

Sustainable society and culture

The planning and development of future smart cities

Towards Sustainable Spatial Planning for Human Health and Emotional Wellbeing

Urban form and digital architecture

Urban Modeling

Urban Regeneration

No limit to the above topics.

1) Full paper submission for the conference proceeding

SPSD 2025 requires authors to submit the title, list of authors, a brief abstract (no more than 600 words), and a list of 3-6 keywords for each paper before the abstract submission deadline.

Authors can update the above information when submitting the full-length paper. The length of each paper should not be longer than 18 pages following the format given in the paper template.

Submission of the paper abstract and the full-length paper must be done electronically.


2) Abstract only for the conference proceeding

SPSD 2025 requires authors to submit long-abstract file including the title, list of authors, a brief abstract, and a list of 3-6 keywords before the abstract submission deadline. The abstracts should include an introduction, a description of methodology and preliminary results within two pages. 


3) Cooperation for after the conference publication

If you would like to cooperate with us for after conference publication, please submit abstract firstly and chose the option of Full paper proceedings and after conference publication. Please submit your full paper to Smartchair system after you receive acceptance letter of abstract. We will include the full paper in the proceedings of SPSD 2025, for which copyright belongs to authors.

IRSPSD International editors will have a review process and send an invitation letter for full paper submission as after conference publication. After you receive the invitation letter, please submit full paper to ScholarOne submission system. When you submit your full paper, please follow IRSPSD International guideline. A review process will be conducted, and review reports will be sent to you for further revision. After the review process, revised papers will be published with IRSPSD International (SCOPUS,ESCI and EI Geobase) .

Also, SPSD 2025 Scientific Committee will organize special issues for after conference publication, please cooperate with guest editors in the case that your paper selected by special issue. 

When you submit your full paper to IRSPSD International, please select the option "After conference publication". Please note that you should add "SPSD 2025" to your paper title when you fill in your paper information using the ScholarOne system.


Please check

1) Guidelines for submission and review process for after conference publication

2) ScholarOne Submission System for full paper submission