2017 Workshop of Urban planning and management (Aug. 9-10, Kanazawa)
It is our great pleasure to invite Professors and Ph.D. Student from Tsinghua University to participate the “Workshop on Smart and Sustainable Planning”, which is planned to be held at Kanazawa University, Japan, August 9th, 2017. The workshop is aiming at the following main issues:
o Risk assessment disaster prevention planning
o Integrated land-use and transportation planning
o Smart and green technology in planning
o Holographic and augmented reality for planning and design
o Planning support systems for sustainable development
This workshop is expected to build capacity for disaster prevention, sustainable development, smart and green development, and Holographic and AR technology in local-level, planners and designers. The event will help scholars and researchers from China and Japan to share their experiences in relevant fields and develop some common research areas for future cooperation.
Prof. Zhenjiang Shen, Kanazawa University (KU)
Prof. Anrong Dang, Tsinghua University (TU)
Steering Program Committees
Mr. Li Mao Yi
Mr. LIU Zhuo;
Mr. NGUYEN Dinh Thanh;
Mr. Chen
Mrs. PUTERI Fitriaty;
Mr. YOU Ninglong
Mr. RIFAI Mardin.
Mr. ADE Candra Masrul;
Mr. XU Chongshen;
Mrs. Cheng
Please contact with Mr. ADE Candra Masrul, Kanazawa University
TEL: +81-90-9766-9775
e-mail: ade.cdr@gmail.com
Mr. RIFAI Mardin, Kanazawa University
TEL: +81-90-8266-5873
e-mail: rifaimardin@gmail.com

SPSD Workshop 2017: Smart and Sustainable Planning
12:00 – 13:00 LUNCH
13:00 – 13:10 WELCOME REMARK
Prof. SHEN, Zhenjiang; Kanazawa University
13:10 – 13:25 GAO Haoge
The Evolution of Ecological Protection Measures in Beijing-Chengde Corridor
13:25 – 13:40 XU Ningjing
A Discussion on the Alienation of Public Decision Making at the Access Points: Illustrated by the Case of the Regeneration of Beijing Hutong
13:40 – 13:55 YOU Ninglong
An integrated approach to evaluate potential sites for redevelopment project of urban renaissance in Tokyo
13:55 – 14:10 QU Yingxi
The Occurrence of Perfluorinated Compound in China and Its Human Health Risk Assessment
14:10 – 14:25 CAO Zhejing
The Study on Land Use and Transportation Integration Mode of Tokyo
14:25 – 14:35 Break
14:35– 14:50 Puteri Fitriaty
Defining Smart Accommodate Green
14:50– 15:05 Ade Candra Masrul
A Review of Holographic Technology Impact on University Students to Apply the Design Thinking
15:05 – 15:20 Hangyu CHEN
Visualization of Building Form Regulation in Japan and Automatic Legality Check for Planning Support Based on Procedural Modelling
15:20 – 15:35 Jiaohua CHENG
Development of the Planning Support Tool for Building Form Using Augmented Reality
15:35 - 15.50 CLOSING REMARK
Prof. Anrong Dang; Tsinghua University
19:00 – 21:00 FAREWELL DINNER