Eurasia Symposium 25, June 2022
Spatial Planning in Asian region
Supported by Eurasia Foundation in 2022, we are organizing Eurasia Spatial Planning Symposium in Kanazawa University. The invited speakers will deliver their talks on spatial planning in Asian Region via the Internet.
Chaired by
Prof. Zhenjiang SHEN, Kanazawa University

Supported by Eurasia Foundation
Moderator: Riendy TENG, Cross-strait Tsinghua Institute |
09:50-10:00 |
Opening Speech: Sustainable urban studies in Asian citiese |
Mitsuhiko KAWAKAMI, |
Moderator: Riendy TENG, Cross-strait Tsinghua Institute |
Speech Title |
Invited Speakers |
10:00-10:20 |
Planning Technology: my research works and recent trends |
Akira OHGAI, |
10:20-10:40 |
Environmental Planning: Urban morphology and surface temperature |
Tsuyoshi HONJO, |
10:40-11:00 |
Environmental Planning: Urban sustainability at the cost of rural unsustainability |
Guangwei HUANG, |
11:00-11:20 |
Transportation Planning: Long-term variations of motorway traffic flow |
Jian XING |
11:20-11:40 |
Landscape Design: The study on the Hiroshima City Museum Basic Plan and Kisho Kurokawa |
Ming LI, |
11:40-12:00 |
Landscape Design: Significance and Issue of the Agricultural Land Consolidation Act in Japan in an Era of Depopulation |
Ryohei YAMASHITA Prof. Ishikawa Prefectural University |
12:00-13:00 |
Lunch break |
Moderator: Riendy TENG, Cross-strait Tsinghua Institute |
13:00-13:20 |
Master Planning: Urban Spatial Planning in China: Review and looking forward |
Qizhi MAO, |
13:20-13:40 |
Transportation Planning: Using Space-L complex network model for public transportation supply and demand analysis in Taipei metropolitan area |
Jente PAI, |
13:40-14:00 |
Infrastructure Planning: Urban physical form, socio-economic factors and building energy use: Examining complex relationships with interdisciplinary methods |
Jige QUAN, |
14:00-14:20 |
Master Planning: Tensions and opportunities at Shanghai’s waterfronts: laboratories for sustainable urban planning and design transitions |
Harry den HARTOG, |
14:20-14:40 |
Planning Technology: Development of City Information Modeling(CIM) |
Qing HAN, |
14:40-15:00 |
Planning Technology: Understanding human behavior across several scales with new data and technologies |
Ying LONG, |
Moderator: Riendy TENG, Cross-strait Tsinghua Institute |
15:00-15:10 |
Closing remark |
Zhenjiang SHEN, |